Wow. Finally I had the chance to take a walk again. It was the first proper one I've gotten this year, and it was truly refreshing. I have that low level high that comes with getting the blood moving, and the muscles working. At the same time, I know it's good for my sanity and connects me with external reality.
Truth be told, it was a full day and I'm a bit amazed that I got as much done as I did for myself. I'm starting to reestablish the structure in my life that's been missing for months. I'm well past my reading goals, I'm back to blogging regularly, going to work, drawing, and spending quality time with my son. And I realize how all these things are crucial to my well-being. Now if I could only cut way down on cigarettes and coffee I might actually be able to claim a healthy lifestyle.
Tonight I walked around Lawrenceville with my friend M. We talked about movies, work, and relationships. The 45 minutes we spent on the street went by quickly. It's amazing how time passes when you are engaged fully. Anyway, I hope I can do this (at least) several times a week.
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