c. David Grim (taken 4/12/09)
Tons of stuff to do around town this weekend at disparate locations. Have fun negotiating the area...
Melwood Filmmakers (477 Melwood Ave) still has the occasional opening, although I haven't made one in awhile. This weekend could be the exception, with "R.E. LEVINE: Patterns: echo shift and rescript" (6-8PM). As someone who works on newsprint, I may just have to check out a kindred soul. Look at her stuff on her home page.
Meanwhile, an organization called ArtDimensions is throwing the work of 25 different artists up on the wall of a backstreet bar in Lawrenceville. Cattivo (146 44th St.) will host the opening from 6:30-9PM.
And the Miller Gallery at CMU is unveiling "If Found Please Return To:____________", featuring the work of Bachelor of Fine Arts seniors. The promotional materials mention that the work reflects "the pornographic realities, hermaphroditic fantasies, psychological obsessions and mystical journeys that are part of our human condition." Tim and Eric would respond with a hearty "Great Job!".
Wake up early and head over to Millvale, where I currently rest my head. There you can gaze on the glory of Maxo Vanka's astonishing murals on the walls of St. Nicholas Croatian Church (24 Maryland Avenue- you can see the yellow structure up on the hill when driving south on Rte. 28). Now folks, this is truly a unique spot in the world... and criminally neglected in the 'Burgh. So when I say stop by sometime between 10AM and 4PM, you should really do it. You can take advantage of the free coffee and pastries, but I bet you'll be too slack-jawed to eat.
My colleague Jason Shorr is hosting a long-awaited reception for a new batch of work at Boxheart. "Myth" will no doubt expand Shorr's exploration of the human body into hitherto uncharted realms. Show up at 4523 Liberty Avenue (in Bloomfield) at 5PM.
If you get a hankering to meander further afield, drive out to ArtSpace 105, the venue operated by the Steel Valley Arts Council, located at 105 E. Eighth Avenue in Homestead. Buffalo artist Seth Graham is in town to "induce thought and prompt questions", starting at 6PM sharp. And then you can drive further up the Mon to UnSmoke Systems' "Gold in Braddock" (1137 Braddock Avenue). They're talking about alchemy, not mining. Along with pieces by 17 artists, there will be "artisan cocktails", music by The Shanks, and free brick-oven fired pizza! That runs from 5-10PM.
And finally... Zombo Gallery (4900 Hatfield Street, Lawrenceville) has "Cute and Creepy", opening at 6PM. This show contains the work of Nathan Mazur and Jessica La Vecchia. Their artist statement tells us to expect "Monsters, bunnies, zombified fisher-price style little people, anthropomorphic food and heart based flatulence."