Don't be mistaken. Mythical creatures DO inhabit the streets of Pittsburgh. Often they hover on the periphery of our vision, and when we turn our heads to gaze upon them they assume the guise of seemingly ordinary objects. But if you snap your head rapidly enough back into place and concentrate on the blurred motion in your sight, you'll see exactly what I mean.
The rivers sweep assorted varieties of life past our city, and many of these never reveal themselves. I know for certain that there are ten-foot paddlefish in the Allegheny, and sometimes you'll catch an albino specimen that makes a sound like an old man clearing his throat.
No doubt some of the creatures mean to be more elusive. Occasionally they breach the shoreline and slither unevenly onto the roadside in the ditch. They peer up at the passing traffic and it reminds them of the metallic debris that rests in the shifting silt, amidst the murky bottoms of the riverbed. And sometimes a glimpse of them causes an accident, and at other times they are written off as hallucinations. Just so you know...
Spooky, this. Good narration of a very weird capture on film (OK, well not really film, but you know)